Remember the correct currency for the supplier name that is scanned on an OCR invoice

3 votes

If an invoice is scanned and the supplier name is read in by the OCR as:
- "24-7 Sec Ltd"
and the supplier name on your account is:
"24-7 Security Ltd"
The system at this point will not make the connection between the two, however if you select the correct supplier on the invoice at this point and save it, the next time an invoice from this supplier is scanned in, it will remember the link between the scanned supplier name of "24-7 Sec Ltd" to "24-7 Security Ltd"

The request here is to have this work in the same way for currency as well. The scan can get the currency of the invoice wrong, especially when there is no currency defined on the invoice. If you select a currency for a scanned invoice, have the system remember that currency for the next invoice scanned in with that same supplier name.

Under consideration Suggested by: Bradley Slater on behalf of Brandon Layne Upvoted: 30 Dec, '24 Comments: 0

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